PWR-ICE125 : more or less only issues

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  • #3205

      Dear community,

      First, even if I live near the German-side of Belgium, I’m more comfortable in English than in German, so sorry in advance! :D

      I bought three miniDSP PWR-ICE125 on OAudio and I have the same issue on all of them. I hear what it seems to be a ground loop (I have peaks at 100 Hz, 200 Hz,…). I tried EVERYTHING : changing setups on the plug-in, trying the jumpers (on and off, to reduce or not the sensitivity by 16 dB),… Really, you can trust me on this one: I tried every solution I can imagine. I even tried to fix the power-cable going from the amp to the miniDSP and it didn’t go well…

      So, here is what I can say about this issue:

      – When I disconnect the power-cable going from the ICEPower amp to the miniDSP, the sound disappear, so the issue is brought by the miniDSP, I guess.

      – I don’t think my electrical installation is the issue, because I tried in a different town/different building and it doesn’t change.

      – On the third PWR-ICE I received, when I was moving the power-cable going to the miniDSP a bit, the issue disappeared as well, but then it made a big noise and now there’s no more music going to the speakers. I checked the drivers and they still work, as the digital-link to a second PWR-ICE. LEDs are blinking and so on, so…

      Seriously, I’m out of ideas! I’m in contact with miniDSP itself, but they take a damn week to answer my emails. I even tried to contact OAudio weeks ago with the contact-form without success (no answer).

      My request is simple: my DIY project is in standby mode since weeks because of this. Everything is set up and ready, except that part… I invested a lot in this project and it makes me mad. I just want to receive PWR-ICE that works. 😥 It’s not my job to try to fix the product…

      Thanks in advance! I hope someone will help me!

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